Sunday, April 10, 2011

color fest

So i have always wanted to to go to the color fest. I have seen so many fun pictures every year so this year i told my sister she was coming with me rather she liked it or not (she was begging me to go) lol a lot of my other friends were going as awol so we met up with them for breakfast that morning and then we drove on down and we stayed for the first throwing session... Nikki decided she wanted to be right in the center of the craziness and it was a learning experience thats for sure next time i will be up wind not down lol but when they threw that chalk i thought i was going to throw up i was in my mouth my eyes my nose and might i add it tasted and smelled like crap!!! You seriously couldn't breath for like 15 min straight!! But we had a blast it was so much fun i will most defiantly be going again next time and standing DOWN wind lol 

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