So i better catch you all up on my amazing, wonderful, fun, loving, beautiful, absolutely perfect daughter of mine. (so i may be just a little on the bias side...)
Rylee is a spit fire! She is a dare devil and full of life. She keeps me on my toes and has turned my whole world upside down and i wouldn't have it another way!
I love this little girl more then i will ever be able to explain... She is always on the go and surprises me everyday with something new she has learned.
She is always so curious about everything wanted to know what it is and how it works or how to undue it and build it back up again.
She is not so found of the diaper any more.
Little story.. I woke her up from her nap today (keep in mind i laid her down fully clothed with a diaper and all) when i walked in her clothes were on the floor. I asked her "Rylee why did you take your clothes off?" she threw the blankets off her and says "BUM" ladies and gent my child was butt naked no diaper or anything!!!
I just knew i was going to have to wash the sheets because of pee... so i started feeling around for pee and looking for the diaper and i found NO PEE!!! or diaper so i asked her where it was and she ran over to the trash can and pointed and sure enough there it was in the trash it had maybe one or two pees in it. I guess its time to potty train... she is so smart i doubt it will be hard at all! LOL
But she is now saying so many words everything you tell her to say she will.
she knows how to count to 4 and says a b c d e and f!
she know blue red green and yellow and will now sort her toys into colors.
She loves playing with other kids and is so sweet with the babies.
She LOVES being outside, the park is her new favorite word and outside.
She plays by herself so well i couldn't ask for a sweeter or more amazingly perfect child!!
I will post pictures later because apparently i have used all the storage space i can with out paying once again....
YAAAYYY i just bought more storage here are the picts finally!!
YAAAYYY i just bought more storage here are the picts finally!!
She has the strangest little personality and i cant get enough of it!!
She knows her colors now!!
My numba 1 stunna
My little DIVA!!
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