Sunday, April 10, 2011

1st camping trip of the year...

So my husband is a little obsessed with camping and shooting lately... all he talks about is that and now randomly he wants to start hunting.. Where did the man i married go lol? He would have never wanted to hunt... He is so silly but any who we went out to our property in Duchesne (fruitland) and when we got out there, there was a little bit on the ground at the gate but enough to not be able to get through it with the trailers on so we had to stay outside the gate on the side of the road...(super redneck right?!?!) But we made the best of it and it turned out to be pretty fun.
Heather and her husband Steve came out with us along with my cousins Ashley her husband Russ their baby Dallas and her parents. The first night we got there it was late and freezing cold so we ate dinner and went to bed the next day it was pretty warm outside and nick was itching to shoot and test out all the things i got him for his birthday... then we sat out by the fire and let the kids play and they got down and dirty but had a blast. Heather and steve had to leave that night(they were super troopers for coming all the way out there for one night) and we all crashed out pretty early as well but all in all it was a GREAT weekend but freezing. We woke up to a snow storm the next morning...

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