Thursday, April 21, 2011


So there are going to be a lot of camping posts and i will apologize in advance for that! 
My family and friends are all die hard campers we go almost every weekend! 
And i wouldn't have it another way! 
I love the peacefulness of it, getting dirty, and letting the kids run around and play as much as they want!
Rylee is so funny we will ask her if she wants to go camping and she will say "tamp outside" and she will run to the door clapping her hands! She is so funny!! I LOVE HER SO MUCH!!! 
This camping trip we went with our friends Heather Steve and their daughter Isabella. 
Our neighbors liz and Austin! 
They brought his little sister Elle and Ashley and Russ met us up there the next day!
It was such a nice day on saturday we rode the side by side and four wheelers and Rylee LOVED it!! 
She would do the whole titanic thing and put her arms out and just laugh the whole ride!

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