Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Dinosaur Museum

Today we went to the Dino Museum
Courtney and Brindon came with us. We went right after the kids got out of school. I didnt think they would want to come let alone have fun but they did, They had a BLAST!!!
I didnt think that Rylee would like it either because i thought she would be to little to understand but she LOVED it! I think we will be going again soon!
They had a lot of hands on things for the kids like digging for fossils, and playing in the sand and water to build dinosaur homes and building dinosaurs!
They also had a solar system room that was really fun too!!!
Here are a few picts that we took!!
looking at the stars

Touching the sea creatures 

Playing in the caves


building a dino

They were pretty heavy

Brindon and Courtneys dam 

They worked hard on it

She loved the water

She has a new obsession with picking noses

brushing off the fossils

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